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FAirEST6 - Airway Screening Form

As a registered dental hygienist, I utilize the FAirEST6 form as part of my medical history review and oral cancer screening to screen for airway disorders in my patients.

This form provides a guide to identifying clinical presentations common with airway resistance disorders, and it gives providers an easy guide to use chairside in identifying risk and subsequent need for referral to an airway specialist such as a myofunctional therapist.


For a video walkthrough of how to quickly assess yourself and others for a potential tongue tie (i.e. ankyloglossia), visit my Instagram Page!

If you suspect tethered oral tissues, call to schedule an assessment with a myofunctional therapist - age doesn't determine the need for an assessment!

Talk soon,

Liz Laney, Myofunctional Therapist


*None of the information included in this post is intended to be medical advice. Please talk with your healthcare provider(s) before making lifestyle changes or starting/stopping any medications and/or diets.




Please note: nothing recommended within this website is to be taken as direct medical advice. This platform is used as a way to share information only. Please consult your medical doctor before starting any dietary or lifestyle supplementation or modifications.

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